
Saturday 1 August 2015

Media Page updates

A number of further Pathe News clips of interest have been added to the Media page.

The Same Old..."Mud" has an intriguing shot of a REME detachment riding in a Burford Kegresse armoured MG Carruer half track

Our Mechanized Army (1930) is from the Dominion Premiers exhibition nd has a Light dragon towing a train of six tracked trailers, a Medium Mk III driving through a wall, a Carden Loyd Mk VI mortar carrier being loaded on a pontoon, and a Vickers Medium Mk II crossing a pontoon bridge. The vehicle #5 shown towing a large trailer seems to be a Guy 8 x 8 tractor with tracks provided over its rear wheels.

Speed and More Speed is the Watchword of the Army Today shows 1936 exercises in Sussex, including 1st battalion DLI in Tractor, Light GS, Mark 1s, in their role as an experimental MG battalion.